
Six new departments were programmed in the new building. They will be dedicated to Prehistory, Phoenician-Punic civilization, the Numidian world, the underwater Mahdia collection, Late Antiquity, and Islam. The second-floor gallery, called Carthage Gallery, will receive the glass making, ceramics, and bronze crafts works dating back to the Roman epoch. The harem’s chorus (former Virgil’s Hall) will receive the monetary treasures and exceptional works. This new presentation is intended to be a testimony of the Tunisian cultural identity. The historical museum, the old palace of Mhammed Bey’s harem, will conserve almost the totality of its famous mosaics and Roman epoch sculptures collections gathered in the Carthage Hall. Many translation spaces will be inserted into the circuit in order to present the national heritage in a didactic manner and highlight its historical journey.

In 2009, a project to restore the Grand Palace frames and replace its roof tiles was undertaken thanks to a donation from Italy. A second Italian donation was granted to restore the wooden ceilings’ painting of the Baroque-styled reception halls. Thus, a shared heritage between Italy and Tunisia is preserved. This two-year project (2011-2012) will be realized by Tunisian restorers who will be tutored by an expert from the International Centre for the Restoration of Cultural Assets in Rome (ICROM).